Sunday 2 November 2014

Say something,little firts🙏

"Hi! welcome to my blog, I'm Naini, very pleased to meet you. Now I'm 17 and I'm a twin girl:D I'm very happy get to know try and make new things. And I like to do things a little crazy and reckless :D Exactly at my age to 17, I was able to have time to make my blog, because it's no easy the processed now that I still have to focus studying to reach my high ideals:3 Here I will share a lot of positive lessons that I can got by own life from many things, sharing unique things, happiness, sadness and everything I hope to be usefull:)))) That doesn't mean I can't do a lot of other pleasures:3 and it's time I share stories of my life experiences to let you know, this is real and this is me Life is sparkling by own you":)